Personal Branding

For the ultimate review: How do some of the key areas discussed connect to your personal branding? 

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Personal branding is about marketing oneself to the world through verbal and non-verbal ways of communication. Before disclosing yourself, a person needs to practice self-awareness to be able to discover own capabilities and personalities. This is the base of personal branding as it determines how you want to be known by others.

As much as I enjoy living with self-confidence to fearlessly do anything, but like everyone else, I sometimes have my share of fears and insecurities too. However, I believe that confidence and self-awareness always go hand in hand. Therefore, understanding myself as a person who has concrete thinking, I tend to gather necessary skills and knowledge ahead of time to ensure the achievement of desired outcomes. For example, I will put in extra effort by doing more in-depth research and readings on the project topic because concrete evidence and knowledge allow me to produce quality report. At the same time, I am also able to share or guide my group mates. Applying it to personal branding, others might be seeing me as a reliable and responsible team player to work with.

On top of knowing others well, we have to note that understanding self is equally important which will help in discovering ways to build effective relationships with different individuals. Realizing my own personality flaws such as being a perfectionist, it reminds me to always set realistic expectations when working with other people. It is good to at least behave in such way when dealing with unfamiliar people for the first time. It makes communication and interaction more comfortable and stress-free.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) also greatly affects how one is perceived by others. It reflects the capability of individuals to recognize their own, and other people’s emotions, to differentiate between feelings and manage properly according to present situation. If I am able to remain calm and react appropriately when dealing with angry guest, it portrays to other guests, colleagues and even managers about my service professionalism. Also, this will help to uphold the good image of both myself and the hotel.

Lastly, non-verbal cues such as emotions, tone and body languages will form impression in the mind of others. For instance, when I report to work with happiness and excitement, my attitude and tone will tend to be more friendly when checking-in guests. Hence, guests might perceive myself as a joyful service personnel who works with passion.

In conclusion, all areas of communication are important as together, they define who you are in the eyes and minds of others. Thus, one has to manage these aspects well with wisdom.



2 thoughts on “Personal Branding

  1. Dear Eon,

    Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed reading your blog post on personal branding. You have portrayed your thoughts well and this has allowed me to understand you better!

    I liked how you relate your personal experience with the points that you made in your blog post. For example, the point you made about understanding yourself of being a perfectionist and how you had to set realistic goals when working with others. I believed this is an essential point to note, especially when working as a group.

    Totally agree with you that being positive attitude will better help to form a better impression in the mind of others. Beside guests’ positive perception, I am sure your colleagues will embrace your positive vibes too! I will like to encourage you to keep up that positive attitude among your peers.

    My suggestion on improving this blog post are as follow: “Applying it to personal branding,” >> When applying this back to personal branding. Apart from that, your post is clear and concise. Your insightful viewpoints have given me a better understanding of your personal branding. Keep up the great work Eon!

    Looking forward to next post!



    • Hello Darren,

      Thank you for taking time to read my post and making precious feedback. I will work harder for future posts.
      Looking forward to reading yours!



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